If you’ve come here and are trying to choose an esignature service provider for your application, then you might want to jump to the
Situation section of this write-up. I recently made a bad call on an integration service for the project where I get paid to build software (AdvicePay). This got me thinking about how programmers see themselves and how we make decisions based on the implications of that. To get to here, I need to first explain my relationship with a computer :)
I must have been about 11 when I got my first Apple PowerBook at a garage sale for $20. This was an exciting day, and I still remember loading each application, navigating to each menu item, and clicking it. For some reason, I had a voracious appetite to see how I could customize my new computer. Once I found Tetris, I was surely hooked.
To this day, I don’t see myself as a computer programmer. Maybe it’s all the origin stories where people discuss how they had to read the entire basic manual or they had to hand write the code and send it to the computer through Braille \s. There is a lot that I missed from when computers were firmly in the obscure nerd category days, but I’ve spent my life solving problems that seem interesting with a computer.
During high school, these issues were mostly revolving around my MacBook and how to turn it into a boom box - play music with the lid closed (which involved some low level Mac debugging at the time) or something similar. I played a lot of Halo 1, and I learned how to make modded maps and things like this. Somehow, I always felt diminished in these accomplishment since there always seemed like a deeper (closer to the metal) way of solving problems with a computer. I could never get over this feeling of just being a consumer, while the real programmers were out there, shifting bytes and could solve problems in a somehow categorically different way than I was.
I’ve always been oriented to computers through a problem. For example, someone needed to sell brushes online, and so I used wordpress to make that happen in college. I took enough programming classes in school to know there were a lot of options when it came to building tools that computers could read, but I always found myself building tools with pre-existing software because I saw myself as a consumer and that true programmers were on a plane of existence beyond my own. I wish someone had told me this wasn’t true because I would have had a lot more fun using code to solve problems.
I studied philosophy + art in college so I jumped into the workforce doing something that didn’t line up very well with my interests. I found that I could provide the most value in automating as much of our workflow as possible. After integrating a slew of online pieces of software for a small business, I became painfully aware that I needed to get my web chops together so I could level up my problem solving skills. This was overwhelming, and I had no idea where to start. Should I quit my job? Should I go back to school (I started college on a computer science track and found it boring)?
At the time, coding bootcamps were still unheard of. I was lucky to have one of my closest friends from college, Jeff Smith, attend Dev Bootcamp. I asked him a bunch of questions and decided to take the leap. I went to Dev Bootcamp in Chicago before moving back to my home state, Montana, and taking the first job where they would hire me to write actual code. This first job was in C#, and I’ve built professional tools with Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and Go since then. It has been a LOT of fun. I am currently working with a startup and helping them navigate best practices when it comes to building your own software. Like many developers in today’s world, I am making decisions about what tools to use and what integrations to choose, though I have only been working in the industry officially for a handful of years.
This basically gets us to the present day, where I’ve built a compliant payment processor for financial advisors with a small team. Last June, we began looking at integrating a contract signature as part of the payment process. We started this journey by spiking out a quick esignature build. It became quickly apparent that all of the niceties of the contract annotation process justified the use of an external service (we’ve tried to build as much as we can as to skip dependencies, I’ve spent enough time in rails to appreciate debugging owned code - an argument for another time...). Our sales team looked at DocuSign and HelloSign. The consensus was DocuSign because they were already familiar to the majority of our users, and we wanted this to be a frictionless experience.
On a personal note, I had a baby coming in early August, and I didn’t do my due diligence to review API documentation. HelloSign seemed much friendlier, but I didn’t see any reason to push back at this stage. We put together a simple integration MVP which consisted of advisors adding templates and then choosing a template if they wanted to from our request payment page. There are no SDKs for Go from either DocuSign or HelloSign, so I started this project by reviewing my plan with a technical team at DocuSign. They were very nice, but seemed quite uneducated on their product. I was annoyed that they didn’t provide a secret key to authorize API requests. I thought I must have just not seen it, but after discussions with their team, this is intentional, and I’m yet to hear a good argument as to why this is designed in such a way (probably just not talking to the right people).
Anywho, I got the JWT flow built, and we were off and running. Things seemed simple enough. The DocuSign API docs are very quirky. It was kind of fun at first. Look at their params, guess what arguments I needed, read the error messages, refactor. I was able to use this process to get the majority of our features spiked out enough to finalize the MVP. We got this built out, and even announced the launch at our company conference. This is a big feature for our users, and we have been pretty excited about it. After a round of beta testing, we felt pretty good. This was the last moment I felt semi good about DocuSign.
Someone on the team noticed that if you refresh the page, you get logged in as the user that was making the API request. You could see data across the entire account. I had noticed this during development, but assumed it was because I had just been logged in as that user and something weird with the session was occurring. This is my own fault for not debugging further at this step, but I was focused on getting the feature built and to prove we could do everything we needed with DS. We reached out to our contacts at DS who made it sound like a bug that would get escalated right away. About a week later, we were informed that this is intentional, and they were worried about breaking anyone that is using this as a feature.
We asked for a solution, and they seemed to be working on it. We did get escalated to a VP level person so I thought that maybe something was happening in our favor. We had our fated meeting with an actual DS engineer (oh my!), and I thought this would set us free. From the questions we were asked, I could tell that almost zero thought had been given on how to solve this. I had to re-explain the issue and show them what was happening to make it clear. They ended flipping some backend knobs which allowed us to create users that could both be authorized to make API calls and could skip the email verification step (we needed to make API calls as soon as the user was created).
I got this working, but it took some janky work to re-work the JWT flow to manage hourly expiring tokens for all of our user that choose to enable the esignature feature. At this point, I felt like we had a poorly designed integration because of the number of workarounds. To make things worse, the language was such that “it is extremely unlikely that these hidden features will get removed”, breaking our integration. Our integration was dead simple as far as integrations are concerned, and to give our users this streamlined experience, we had to move technical mountains. We were lucky to have the support of our team at this point to look into other options. We had a spike with the general flow of our integration in a couple days with HelloSign. We took another two weeks to finalize this build and finally launch it to our users the week before Thanksgiving. We were a little late in delivering this feature, but it is a much cleaner and less error prone experience than DS.
I wrote out a detailed response to our VP contact at DS as I was foolish enough to think they might care. We are out over $20K (small startup, I was the first hire, so this matters in our situation) and DS ghosted us when we asked about a partial refund. Buyer beware. They approved a solution for us twice before we built it (as they should be the experts of their product), but were unwilling to work with us on some sort of compromise once we found this solution to be a dead-end. I am grateful that they reviewed some options on our behalf, but we were on a running clock with an announcement already made, and after two weeks, it turns out that nobody had even looked into a viable solution. As I stated to the VP:
“We were able to get some workarounds, but there were too many bad smells along the way. As an engineer, I prefer solutions over workarounds.”
His response you ask? Something to the effect of, let us help you out, we’ll leave your account open for the rest of the year. How nice? After a couple months of being ghosted, we finally threatened legal recourse. It took less than 24 hours to get a response at this point, and it was stated that they had been looking into it deeply and would follow up later. I just got an email today stating that they don’t give a shit that we are out the money, and they will even throw in some free tech support (how fucking nice).
It is always worth getting a feel for multiple tools when you come to the inevitable “which tool should I use” crossroads. You don’t need to spend a lot of time getting a feel for things. Just wire up a few API calls and see how much effort it requires. At this point, I would prefer a solution that needs a little bit of help if the team is on the ball, responds quickly, and shows some level of care. HelloSign has nailed this point, and we are very grateful we are no longer in DocuSign world, even though it cost us $20K to eject. Look into a company's reputation. It matters. DocuSign has a horrible reputation, and this is something we should have paid closer attention to. If you are looking at an esignature provider, I’d be happy to chat about it. We are moving into phase 2 of our implementation, and it’s been extremely smooth. Thanks for reading!